THE PIANO GUYS 大統領就任式で演奏
日本でも人気のピアノユニット The Piano Guys(ザ・ピアノガイズ) がドナルド・トランプ氏の第45代アメリカ大統領就任式にて演奏することが明らかに。
“Our desire as The Piano Guys has always been to spread hope, love and joy through our music and videos,”
“We accepted the invitation to perform at the Inauguration with this objective in mind. We would have been honored at the opportunity no matter who was being sworn in. We strive to make all vital decisions a matter of serious soul searching and prayer. We felt very strongly that we needed to accept this invitation.”
The Piano Guys defend inauguration gig: ‘We’re not performing for politics’
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The Piano Guys